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Organic | BCI
Organic Cotton
Organic cotton farming is the process of growing cotton without the use of synthetic pesticides and chemical fertilizers. The only additives come in the form of manures, and the soil quality is controlled by crop rotation. The impact on the environment is reduced drastically, producing clean and safe cotton while creating a sustainable cycle. Organic farming is best suited for small and marginal farms.
Arvind is working closely with the farmers of Akola in the Vidarbha region of Maharashtra to grow organic cotton.
This initiative has helped improve the livelihood of
the farmers by increasing their per-acre income.
A farm gate procurement
Seven day payment cycle
Elimination of all forms of
exploitation by middlemen
  thereby improving
the farmer’s income levels.
What started out as a small project, now encompasses more than 40,000 acres of farmland working with nearly 6,000 farmers. Certified by the Control Union Certification, Netherlands.
More than
40,000 acres
of farmland
Working with nearly
6,000 farmers
© Arvind AgriBusiness 2015
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